«"الإدارة هي فن تحقيق الربح. izzzi MANAGEMENT هي ضرورة للمالكين الذين يرغبون في القيام بعمل الإدارة الأكثر فعالية لأعمالهم دون قلق بشأن العمليات الروتينية، للحصول على أقصى ربح من منشآتهم من خلال تنفيذ الخطط!".»
«"نحن نجعل الراحة في متناول الجميع ونجعل الضيف سعيدًا!" - مهمة اتجاه فندقنا، "السعادة موجودة! تناول الطعام هو السعادة!"هي مهمة أعمال المطاعم لدينا، والتي نتبعها ونحسّنها ونطورها، ونصبح كل يوم أفضل من الأمس."»
«"الإدارة هي فن تحقيق الربح. izzzi MANAGEMENT هي ضرورة للمالكين الذين يرغبون في القيام بعمل الإدارة الأكثر فعالية لأعمالهم دون قلق بشأن العمليات الروتينية، للحصول على أقصى ربح من منشآتهم من خلال تنفيذ الخطط!".»
«"نحن نجعل الراحة في متناول الجميع ونجعل الضيف سعيدًا!" - مهمة اتجاه فندقنا، "السعادة موجودة! تناول الطعام هو السعادة!"هي مهمة أعمال المطاعم لدينا، والتي نتبعها ونحسّنها ونطورها، ونصبح كل يوم أفضل من الأمس."»
«"الإدارة هي فن تحقيق الربح. izzzi MANAGEMENT هي ضرورة للمالكين الذين يرغبون في القيام بعمل الإدارة الأكثر فعالية لأعمالهم دون قلق بشأن العمليات الروتينية، للحصول على أقصى ربح من منشآتهم من خلال تنفيذ الخطط!".»
«"نحن نجعل الراحة في متناول الجميع ونجعل الضيف سعيدًا!" - مهمة اتجاه فندقنا، "السعادة موجودة! تناول الطعام هو السعادة!"هي مهمة أعمال المطاعم لدينا، والتي نتبعها ونحسّنها ونطورها، ونصبح كل يوم أفضل من الأمس."»
«المسؤولية والصدق هي مبادئنا»
«المسؤولية والصدق هي مبادئنا»
«"الإدارة هي فن تحقيق الربح. izzzi MANAGEMENT هي ضرورة للمالكين الذين يرغبون في القيام بعمل الإدارة الأكثر فعالية لأعمالهم دون قلق بشأن العمليات الروتينية، للحصول على أقصى ربح من منشآتهم من خلال تنفيذ الخطط!".»
«"نحن نجعل الراحة في متناول الجميع ونجعل الضيف سعيدًا!" - مهمة اتجاه فندقنا، "السعادة موجودة! تناول الطعام هو السعادة!"هي مهمة أعمال المطاعم لدينا، والتي نتبعها ونحسّنها ونطورها، ونصبح كل يوم أفضل من الأمس."»
«المسؤولية والصدق هي مبادئنا»
"في العقارات ، كل متر مربع ليس مجرد مساحة ، ولكنه فرصة لخلق قيمة. هدفنا هو تحويل هذه الفرص إلى نجاح مستدام لعملائنا والشركة " - ميخائيل لومونوسوف.
"في العقارات ، كل متر مربع ليس مجرد مساحة ، ولكنه فرصة لخلق قيمة. هدفنا هو تحويل هذه الفرص إلى نجاح مستدام لعملائنا والشركة " - ميخائيل لومونوسوف.
«المسؤولية والصدق هي مبادئنا»
"في العقارات ، كل متر مربع ليس مجرد مساحة ، ولكنه فرصة لخلق قيمة. هدفنا هو تحويل هذه الفرص إلى نجاح مستدام لعملائنا والشركة " - ميخائيل لومونوسوف.
«اكسب المال من أجل السعادة" هذا هو شعار الشركة المصنعة للأدوات الأصلية. وهو يكشف عن معنى عمل وحدة الأعمال بأكملها: أموال نظيفة وآمنة للمستثمرين الرئيسيين، ومرافق ممتازة لتطوير الأعمال التشغيلية، ومرافق مريحة للمستأجرين لكسب المال، ومواقع ملائمة للمشترين.»
«اكسب المال من أجل السعادة" هذا هو شعار الشركة المصنعة للأدوات الأصلية. وهو يكشف عن معنى عمل وحدة الأعمال بأكملها: أموال نظيفة وآمنة للمستثمرين الرئيسيين، ومرافق ممتازة لتطوير الأعمال التشغيلية، ومرافق مريحة للمستأجرين لكسب المال، ومواقع ملائمة للمشترين.»
Graduated from St.-Petersburg Technical University and got a degree of engineer-radio-physicist; has another degree of St.-Petersburg Economic University in economics and organization of manufacturing in heavy engineering plants.
She’s got more than 20 years of experience in the field of organization of projecting and construction. She became a part of our company in 2009.
In our company, she is responsible for the aspects related to organization of work on projecting, major construction and maintenance of buildings and constructions, from the idea to the real square meters.
She manages the full construction cycle, from the foundation pit, to the red ribbon at the entrance, from the project of architectural image to the certificate of commissioning. Behind herself she’s got a great experience in creation and optimization of developer projects, control of budget performance, quality and timelines of projecting and construction works, as well as implementation of functions of technical customer.
She prefers to dedicate her free time to her daughter and family, as well as finds some time for a smart book or interesting travelling.
Graduated from St.-Petersburg Technical University and got a degree of engineer-radio-physicist; has another degree of St.-Petersburg Economic University in economics and organization of manufacturing in heavy engineering plants.
She’s got more than 20 years of experience in the field of organization of projecting and construction. She became a part of our company in 2009.
In our company, she is responsible for the aspects related to organization of work on projecting, major construction and maintenance of buildings and constructions, from the idea to the real square meters.
She manages the full construction cycle, from the foundation pit, to the red ribbon at the entrance, from the project of architectural image to the certificate of commissioning. Behind herself she’s got a great experience in creation and optimization of developer projects, control of budget performance, quality and timelines of projecting and construction works, as well as implementation of functions of technical customer.
She prefers to dedicate her free time to her daughter and family, as well as finds some time for a smart book or interesting travelling.
"في العقارات ، كل متر مربع ليس مجرد مساحة ، ولكنه فرصة لخلق قيمة. هدفنا هو تحويل هذه الفرص إلى نجاح مستدام لعملائنا والشركة " - ميخائيل لومونوسوف.
«اكسب المال من أجل السعادة" هذا هو شعار الشركة المصنعة للأدوات الأصلية. وهو يكشف عن معنى عمل وحدة الأعمال بأكملها: أموال نظيفة وآمنة للمستثمرين الرئيسيين، ومرافق ممتازة لتطوير الأعمال التشغيلية، ومرافق مريحة للمستأجرين لكسب المال، ومواقع ملائمة للمشترين.»
Graduated from St.-Petersburg Technical University and got a degree of engineer-radio-physicist; has another degree of St.-Petersburg Economic University in economics and organization of manufacturing in heavy engineering plants.
She’s got more than 20 years of experience in the field of organization of projecting and construction. She became a part of our company in 2009.
In our company, she is responsible for the aspects related to organization of work on projecting, major construction and maintenance of buildings and constructions, from the idea to the real square meters.
She manages the full construction cycle, from the foundation pit, to the red ribbon at the entrance, from the project of architectural image to the certificate of commissioning. Behind herself she’s got a great experience in creation and optimization of developer projects, control of budget performance, quality and timelines of projecting and construction works, as well as implementation of functions of technical customer.
She prefers to dedicate her free time to her daughter and family, as well as finds some time for a smart book or interesting travelling.
«اكسب المال من أجل السعادة" هذا هو شعار الشركة المصنعة للأدوات الأصلية. وهو يكشف عن معنى عمل وحدة الأعمال بأكملها: أموال نظيفة وآمنة للمستثمرين الرئيسيين، ومرافق ممتازة لتطوير الأعمال التشغيلية، ومرافق مريحة للمستأجرين لكسب المال، ومواقع ملائمة للمشترين.»
Graduated from St.-Petersburg Technical University and got a degree of engineer-radio-physicist; has another degree of St.-Petersburg Economic University in economics and organization of manufacturing in heavy engineering plants.
She’s got more than 20 years of experience in the field of organization of projecting and construction. She became a part of our company in 2009.
In our company, she is responsible for the aspects related to organization of work on projecting, major construction and maintenance of buildings and constructions, from the idea to the real square meters.
She manages the full construction cycle, from the foundation pit, to the red ribbon at the entrance, from the project of architectural image to the certificate of commissioning. Behind herself she’s got a great experience in creation and optimization of developer projects, control of budget performance, quality and timelines of projecting and construction works, as well as implementation of functions of technical customer.
She prefers to dedicate her free time to her daughter and family, as well as finds some time for a smart book or interesting travelling.
Her major is development and implementation of legal safety of business/enterprise functioning, including against dissocial acquisitions and raiding, building and maintaining scheme of lawful and safe property possession; optimization of business taxation in general, and for individual transactions in particular; managing board of directors.
She’s got working experience in law since 1993, in our company – since 2004.
She’s got a degree in law, graduated from department of law of Saint-Petersburg State University in major of law (degree – professionally qualified specialist, qualification – lawyer, diploma BVS no. 0443524 as of May 23 2000); And degree in economics, graduated from economic department of Saint-Petersburg State university in major “Economics and management in the enterprise” (bachelor’s degree, qualification – economist-manager, expert in optimization of enterprise taxation.”
More than once she attended further training courses in Saint-Petersburg State University.
Expert in the field of planning, structuring and concluding significant transactions (sale of business, plants, realty estate objects), including tax optimization of transactions. She’s got significant experience in realty estate in Russia and abroad.
Hobbies: music – playing piano, singing (graduated from musical school in singing), theatre; reading of fiction.
Her major is development and implementation of legal safety of business/enterprise functioning, including against dissocial acquisitions and raiding, building and maintaining scheme of lawful and safe property possession; optimization of business taxation in general, and for individual transactions in particular; managing board of directors.
She’s got working experience in law since 1993, in our company – since 2004.
She’s got a degree in law, graduated from department of law of Saint-Petersburg State University in major of law (degree – professionally qualified specialist, qualification – lawyer, diploma BVS no. 0443524 as of May 23 2000); And degree in economics, graduated from economic department of Saint-Petersburg State university in major “Economics and management in the enterprise” (bachelor’s degree, qualification – economist-manager, expert in optimization of enterprise taxation.”
More than once she attended further training courses in Saint-Petersburg State University.
Expert in the field of planning, structuring and concluding significant transactions (sale of business, plants, realty estate objects), including tax optimization of transactions. She’s got significant experience in realty estate in Russia and abroad.
Hobbies: music – playing piano, singing (graduated from musical school in singing), theatre; reading of fiction.
Her major is development and implementation of legal safety of business/enterprise functioning, including against dissocial acquisitions and raiding, building and maintaining scheme of lawful and safe property possession; optimization of business taxation in general, and for individual transactions in particular; managing board of directors.
She’s got working experience in law since 1993, in our company – since 2004.
She’s got a degree in law, graduated from department of law of Saint-Petersburg State University in major of law (degree – professionally qualified specialist, qualification – lawyer, diploma BVS no. 0443524 as of May 23 2000); And degree in economics, graduated from economic department of Saint-Petersburg State university in major “Economics and management in the enterprise” (bachelor’s degree, qualification – economist-manager, expert in optimization of enterprise taxation.”
More than once she attended further training courses in Saint-Petersburg State University.
Expert in the field of planning, structuring and concluding significant transactions (sale of business, plants, realty estate objects), including tax optimization of transactions. She’s got significant experience in realty estate in Russia and abroad.
Hobbies: music – playing piano, singing (graduated from musical school in singing), theatre; reading of fiction.
«"الهدف الرئيسي لمجموعة Orange.Life! هو خلق ابتكار المنتجات الاستثمارية في القطاع العقاري. نحن نجعل الناس سعداء من خلال منحهم الحرية المالية والاستقلال!"»
«"الهدف الرئيسي لمجموعة Orange.Life! هو خلق ابتكار المنتجات الاستثمارية في القطاع العقاري. نحن نجعل الناس سعداء من خلال منحهم الحرية المالية والاستقلال!"»
Her major is development and implementation of legal safety of business/enterprise functioning, including against dissocial acquisitions and raiding, building and maintaining scheme of lawful and safe property possession; optimization of business taxation in general, and for individual transactions in particular; managing board of directors.
She’s got working experience in law since 1993, in our company – since 2004.
She’s got a degree in law, graduated from department of law of Saint-Petersburg State University in major of law (degree – professionally qualified specialist, qualification – lawyer, diploma BVS no. 0443524 as of May 23 2000); And degree in economics, graduated from economic department of Saint-Petersburg State university in major “Economics and management in the enterprise” (bachelor’s degree, qualification – economist-manager, expert in optimization of enterprise taxation.”
More than once she attended further training courses in Saint-Petersburg State University.
Expert in the field of planning, structuring and concluding significant transactions (sale of business, plants, realty estate objects), including tax optimization of transactions. She’s got significant experience in realty estate in Russia and abroad.
Hobbies: music – playing piano, singing (graduated from musical school in singing), theatre; reading of fiction.
«"الهدف الرئيسي لمجموعة Orange.Life! هو خلق ابتكار المنتجات الاستثمارية في القطاع العقاري. نحن نجعل الناس سعداء من خلال منحهم الحرية المالية والاستقلال!"»
«مهمة قسمنا هي جعل الناس سعداء من خلال منحهم الحرية المالية والاستقلال! "بالنسبة لنا، وهذه ليست مجرد كلمات، فنحن مسؤولون عن عملنا، فضلاً عن أن كل الأرقام شفافة، ونحن فخورون بتقديمها.»
«مهمة قسمنا هي جعل الناس سعداء من خلال منحهم الحرية المالية والاستقلال! "بالنسبة لنا، وهذه ليست مجرد كلمات، فنحن مسؤولون عن عملنا، فضلاً عن أن كل الأرقام شفافة، ونحن فخورون بتقديمها.»
«"الهدف الرئيسي لمجموعة Orange.Life! هو خلق ابتكار المنتجات الاستثمارية في القطاع العقاري. نحن نجعل الناس سعداء من خلال منحهم الحرية المالية والاستقلال!"»
«مهمة قسمنا هي جعل الناس سعداء من خلال منحهم الحرية المالية والاستقلال! "بالنسبة لنا، وهذه ليست مجرد كلمات، فنحن مسؤولون عن عملنا، فضلاً عن أن كل الأرقام شفافة، ونحن فخورون بتقديمها.»
Graduated from specialized department of A.F. Ioffe Physico-technical Institute of Russian Science Academy in Leningrad Electro-technical Institute.
Specialized in cash flow management, formation and strategic planning of financial policy of the company, and financial-economic analysis. She’s got experience in this field since 2000.
She joined our company in 2012.
She’s got a IFR Diploma in the International Financial Reporting.
She is an expert in the field of financial analysis, establishing and maintaining relationships with partner banks, ensuring economical safety, and tax planning. She’s got a great experience with transactions of merge and acquisition. She participates in work of start-up exchange.
She loves traveling, theater, smart books, is fond of diving and mountain tourism.
Graduated from specialized department of A.F. Ioffe Physico-technical Institute of Russian Science Academy in Leningrad Electro-technical Institute.
Specialized in cash flow management, formation and strategic planning of financial policy of the company, and financial-economic analysis. She’s got experience in this field since 2000.
She joined our company in 2012.
She’s got a IFR Diploma in the International Financial Reporting.
She is an expert in the field of financial analysis, establishing and maintaining relationships with partner banks, ensuring economical safety, and tax planning. She’s got a great experience with transactions of merge and acquisition. She participates in work of start-up exchange.
She loves traveling, theater, smart books, is fond of diving and mountain tourism.
«لا توجد أشياء صغيرة غير مهمة بالنسبة لنا. كل ما يجعل عملائنا وموظفينا سعداء أمر مهم جداً.»
«لا توجد أشياء صغيرة غير مهمة بالنسبة لنا. كل ما يجعل عملائنا وموظفينا سعداء أمر مهم جداً.»
«مهمة قسمنا هي جعل الناس سعداء من خلال منحهم الحرية المالية والاستقلال! "بالنسبة لنا، وهذه ليست مجرد كلمات، فنحن مسؤولون عن عملنا، فضلاً عن أن كل الأرقام شفافة، ونحن فخورون بتقديمها.»
Graduated from specialized department of A.F. Ioffe Physico-technical Institute of Russian Science Academy in Leningrad Electro-technical Institute.
Specialized in cash flow management, formation and strategic planning of financial policy of the company, and financial-economic analysis. She’s got experience in this field since 2000.
She joined our company in 2012.
She’s got a IFR Diploma in the International Financial Reporting.
She is an expert in the field of financial analysis, establishing and maintaining relationships with partner banks, ensuring economical safety, and tax planning. She’s got a great experience with transactions of merge and acquisition. She participates in work of start-up exchange.
She loves traveling, theater, smart books, is fond of diving and mountain tourism.
«لا توجد أشياء صغيرة غير مهمة بالنسبة لنا. كل ما يجعل عملائنا وموظفينا سعداء أمر مهم جداً.»
Graduated from specialized department of A.F. Ioffe Physico-technical Institute of Russian Science Academy in Leningrad Electro-technical Institute.
Specialized in cash flow management, formation and strategic planning of financial policy of the company, and financial-economic analysis. She’s got experience in this field since 2000.
She joined our company in 2012.
She’s got a IFR Diploma in the International Financial Reporting.
She is an expert in the field of financial analysis, establishing and maintaining relationships with partner banks, ensuring economical safety, and tax planning. She’s got a great experience with transactions of merge and acquisition. She participates in work of start-up exchange.
She loves traveling, theater, smart books, is fond of diving and mountain tourism.
«لا توجد أشياء صغيرة غير مهمة بالنسبة لنا. كل ما يجعل عملائنا وموظفينا سعداء أمر مهم جداً.»
شراء وإعداد قطعة أرض لبناء هايبر ماركت لينتا، كراسنوي سيلو
شراء وإعادة بناء المبنى على العنوان: ف. نوفغورود، شارع
كورسونوف، عمارة 48
افتتاح مركز نيكا للأعمال
افتتاح مجمع زيبرا للتسوق
بداية تطوير مجال العمل في إدارة العقارات
تأسيس مجموعة شركات Orange Group ستارت لتطوير
اتجاه الجملة حسب نظام تداول الوثائق الآلي